Hope Grows
Website: www.hopegrowsfarm.com
Hope Grows LLC is a new farm committed to growing what’s good for our community: farmers and food with integrity. Our integrity is grounded deeply in the land and in relationships.
Our livestock operations are pasture-based and integrated into a complementary polyculture with our orchards, berry patches, gardens, and fields. As holistic farmers we are the day-to-day managers of balance and symbiosis between the animals and the land, employing a seasonal rotation plan that supports the entire health of our farm with a thrift only nature can provide and eliminates the necessity for any chemicals, antibiotics, or heavy machinery.
We view farming as activism for restoring healthy communities, and find it spiritually and economically rewarding to establish direct relationships with our eaters as often as possible. These relationships have supported our growth and demonstrated farming is a viable career option for young people whose dreams don’t fit into a cubicle.