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Butternut Squash Pizza with Rosemary

With this recipe, you can use ingredients from many of our farmers and bakers.

Source: (Entered by Ashley Deen)
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: onion, butternut, rosemary, pizza, cornmeal, cheese, olive
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Christmas Collards

This is one of the most delicious recipes for greens I have eaten and it is very low in calories and high in nutrition…just what we all want after Christmas! Using our local farmers fresh and tender greens makes this recipe memorable…even a non green eater will appreciate the complexity of flavors which result from minimal effort. Try this one with Walker Farms young and tender collards and Savannah River Farms pork.

Source: Southern Farmers Market Cookbook (Entered by Debra Chester)
Servings: 4-6
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Easy-Does-It Spaghetti

Sherry Lynn Farmgirl Herb Bread goes great with a salad and this Crock Pot spaghetti entree. Plan ahead and you can get some of your ingredients from next week’s online market…it would be a great Friday night dinner.

I use venison, but meat from the online market would be great! Leave it out if you want vegetarian.

Source: 2008 Tast of Home (Entered by Sheree Kimes)
Servings: 8 to 10 servings
Ingredient keywords: Meat, V8, Tomato, Mushrooms, Onion, Garlic, Ground, Italian, Spaghetti
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Lacy Corn Bread

This is old-timey cornbread. Some people call it “hoe cakes.” It will look like a flat pancake with crinkly edges when it’s ready. You need plain cornmeal. Self-rising cornmeal will not give the right texture (it will be too thick).

Source: Paula Freeman (Entered by Stacey Freeman)
Servings: 3 or 4
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Oriental Bok Choy Salad (or meing choy or pok choy)

This is a power packed with nutrition salad and very easy to prepare…most everyone loves this even the non greens eaters! It fills you up and makes you healthy!

These greens are available for a few months this winter in South Georgia and we are lucky that our farmers are thinking out to the box to bring these exceptional vegtables to our palette. this is a good entree with the addtion of some grilled wild caught salmon or grilled chicken (we have both on line.

Source: printed from (Entered by Debra Chester)
Servings: 4-6 side dish
Ingredient keywords: butter, sugar, sesame seeds, do not use flavor pack, almonds, greens, green onions
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Sauteed Ginger spinach

This is an EASY way to get fresh spinach into your diet and we have a bountiful amount of that wonderful produce right now! So give your family an extra shot of good for youness! The young spinach from
Walker Organic Farms taste like nothing you have ever experienced from the store!

Source: Splendid Table (Entered by Debra Chester)
Servings: 3 to four as a side dish
Ingredient keywords: sesame, spinach, fresh, sesame
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